By | May 31st, 2018

The damage associated with car accidents can be unpredictable. In some cases, the passengers will be demonstrably harmed, and yet the vehicle will barely look as if it’s ever been in an accident. It’s also possible for the vehicle itself to be severely damaged even in cases where the passengers were lucky enough to be largely unharmed. It’s always important for people to seek medical care after a car accident of any kind, even if the people in question haven’t noticed any obvious symptoms. People don’t always know what they.

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By | May 24th, 2018

Most people are afraid of plane crashes. But the fact is that more people are injured or die in car accidents than plane crashes. A plane crash kills many people at one go, so it attracts more attention. However, car crashes occur more frequently. People Hardly Pay Attention to Car Accidents How many times do you hear announcements on TV or the radio, telling you to take one route rather than another because there has been a crash or car accident? This is the only recognition people give to a.

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By | February 15th, 2018

Highway hypnosis is a half-conscious state in which the non-thinking part of the mind is aware of the road while the thinking part is largely switched off. This is different from distracted driving where the thinking mind is still active but is engaged in a non-driving activity, such as conversing on a cell phone. Unlike the distracted driver, the person who has slipped into highway hypnosis can’t consciously shift his attention back to the road. He remains in that state until he gets into a car crash, or some disturbance.

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By | November 9th, 2017

There are some tire problems, such as worn or uneven tread, that require your addressing the issue as soon as possible. However, there’s another class of tire problems that demand immediate replacement of the tire with a spare, or risk a blowout. If you should ever notice one of these three problems, count yourself lucky to have noticed it before it caused a crash: A Tire With a Bulge or Bubble A bulge or a bubble on the sidewall of your tire indicates a weak area that’s yielding to the.

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By | November 2nd, 2017

Accidents involving cars and animals are an everyday occurrence. These typically involve animals such as squirrels and other small wildlife. While unfortunate for the animals, most collisions with small animals don’t involve car accidents. This is largely because drivers, correctly, don’t slam their brakes or violently swerve in such encounters. As a general rule, the more traffic around you, the fewer your collision avoidance options. If the road is clear of traffic and your view ahead is unobstructed, then you can brake firmly (without skidding) or slow down and go.

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By | June 29th, 2017

Whether it’s done out of impatience, haste, or habit, tailgating is an extremely dangerous practice. Some think it isn’t a big deal because so many people do it. However, that doesn’t change the fact that it can cause a crash where the fault will almost certainly be the tailgater’s since rear-end accidents are almost always the fault of the car behind. Such an accident can happen in less than a second because the following distance of tailgaters often leaves less than a second of reaction time. In a situation requiring a hard stop,.

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By | May 25th, 2017

If you’ve been in a serious car crash before, then you have more motivation than most to avoid car accidents. Car accidents are traumatic, can cause debilitating injury, and keep you out of work for an extended time. If you haven’t been in an accident, don’t assume they only happen to other people. It only takes one small mistake made by you or someone else on the road. The key to avoiding many car accidents is focusing on both your driving and the road. Here are four suggestions on improving.

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By | March 16th, 2017

When you drove a car for the first time as part of learning how to drive, your lack of driving skills likely made you a bit nervous. Unlike many experienced drivers, at least the driving had your complete and undivided attention. Unfortunately, drivers tend to pay less attention to their driving as their familiarity and experience with it increases. Over time, much of the mechanics of driving gets programmed into your muscle memory. This frees up your mind to focus on other things. Instead of focusing on defensive driving, motorists.

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By | March 9th, 2017

Sleep is a powerful drive that can overtake anyone. When you go to bed, there is no conscious decision to fall asleep. Instead, you wait until sleep overtakes you. The body simply “switches off” the conscious mind without your “permission.” This is what makes drowsy driving so dangerous. No matter how hard you fight it, your conscious mind will turn off, and at that point, your car is moving 65 mph down the highway without a driver. If you attempt various tricks to stay awake such as loud music and.

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By | February 23rd, 2017

To many drivers, speeding is a violation of the posted speed limit. However, this is a narrow definition and isn’t always technically correct. The posted speed limit applies to good driving conditions. For less ideal conditions you must follow California’s basic speed law that states you can’t drive faster than is safe for the current driving conditions. This means you will have to exercise your judgment to determine the safe speed. However, the police can cite you for violating the basic speed law if your speed is too fast according.

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