It’s that time of the year again – the season of colorful Halloween costumes and abundant candy and sugar consumption. As this is a holiday that is very much centered on children, safety is a major concern. Statistics show that children are more than twice as likely to be killed in traffic accidents on Halloween. In fact, in 2017, October ranked no. 2 in motor vehicle deaths by month.
Here are some of the other scary statistics on Halloween accidents and injuries:
- There are about 3,800 Halloween-related injuries every year
- 70% of parents do not come with their children to trick-or-treat
- 63% of children do not use a flashlight when trick-or-treating
- 65% of parents do not discuss Halloween safety with their kids
These statistics are the real horror of Halloween, so here are a few pointers in keeping our trick-or-treaters safe during this busy holiday.
Costume Safety
- When choosing costumes, opt for those that are bright-colored and reflective. Make sure that the costumes are short enough and shoes fit well in order to prevent tripping.
- You can also put reflective tapes on the costumes.
- Avoid costumes and accessories that limit or block eyesight and airways.
- Makeups should be tested first to make sure that they do not irritate the skin.
- When shopping for items, look for those that clearly indicate that they are flame resistant.
- When a sword or a cane is part of the costume, make sure that they are not sharp or long.
- Do not use decorative lenses as they are dangerous and illegal.
Home Safety
- Make sure that your home is friendly for trick-or-treaters by removing anything from the porch or yard a child can trip over, such as bikes, toys, garden hoses, and decorations.
- Sweep away leaves and snow from sidewalks and steps.
- Make sure outdoor lights are working.
- Restrain pets.
Trick or treat Trail Safety
- Responsible adults must accompany children while making rounds in the neighborhood
- Both the children and their chaperones must have flashlights with fresh batteries.
- If older children are going unsupervised, make sure that their route is well-planned out and you have agreed on the time they are supposed to go home.
- Only go to homes that have a porch light on. Never enter a stranger’s house or a car for a treat.
- Stay in familiar, well-lit areas and do not use alleys or cut across yards.
- Carry a mobile phone for easy communication.
- Go in groups.
- To be safe, do not assume the right of way. Motorists may have a hard time seeing trick-or-treaters crossing the street.
Candy Safety
- Always read the ingredients label of the candies. Look out for allergens contained in these candies such as peanuts, milk, soy, egg, or wheat.
- Teach your kids to politely refuse homemade goods such as cookies or brownies and to not taste or share another kid’s food.
- Note that fun-size candies may have different ingredients than their regular-sized counterparts, so be cautious with them.
- Closely examine all treats as soon as the kids return home. Watch out for candies that are spoiled, unwrapped, or suspicious.
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