Hogan Injury

Travel Insurance: Things You Need to Know

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As a traveler, unforeseen events such as missed flights, lost baggage, natural disasters, and tour operators going bankrupt are all too familiar; and protecting yourself against these would be a very wise decision. But which insurance should you purchase? Which one is perfect for you, and what are the things that you need to consider?

First things first: do you need travel insurance?

In deciding whether to get travel insurance and which one to get, the first thing you need to do is to check the coverage of your existing insurance policies. There are health insurance policies that cover medical emergencies overseas. There are credit card companies that offer insurance coverage for baggage loss, accidental death and dismemberment, and international medical assistance for an additional fee or a charge on their airline ticket. Most homeowner insurance policies also cover baggage loss.

If, after perusing your insurance policies, you find that there is not enough coverage as far as travel is concerned, getting separate travel insurance would be a sound choice.

What are the types of travel insurance and what do they cover?

How do you make a claim?

As soon as something goes wrong, contact your insurance company. Remember that in making claims, you need to provide evidence. For example, if items have been stolen, you need to secure a crime reference number from the local police. In case of a lost or delayed baggage, make sure that the airport has provided you a form confirming it. Take note that when making a claim, you usually need to pay an excess or a participation fee.

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