Car accidents happen for even the safest of drivers. Statistics indicate that the average American driver will have a collision every 5 to 8 years. Teenage and senior drivers have an even higher accident likelihood. Therefore it is important to protect all vehicle occupants by using proper restraints.
Buckle Yourself
Kids will follow the example of their parents. Be sure to buckle yourself in any time you are driving anywhere. Even if it is only a couple of miles take the few seconds to buckle yourself. You will be setting a good example and protecting yourself at the same time.
Follow the Law
The law clearly states the car seat regulations for children. These regulations are based on the age, weight and height of your child. Be sure you are in compliance. The California Highway Patrol website offers the details presented in an easy to understand way. Keep in mind that these regulations have changed over the years and will be changing again in the future. Therefore the rules you followed for your first child may not be the same as the rules currently in place for your 2nd or 3rd child. Verify you know the current law and are following it correctly.
Periodically Check Installation
With repeated loading and unloading of your child it is possible the car seat is not as snug as it was previously. Be sure to check that it is properly installed in the car every few months. Also, make sure you are correctly loading your child into the seat each time you are heading out.
By properly using car seats and seat belts you will reduce the risk of injury or fatality should a car accident occur. To learn more about car accidents contact us.