By | June 16th, 2016

Bad weather and bad driving by motorists have caused many truck accidents. However, some truck drivers contribute to the problem by driving too fast or too long without adequate rest. Truck drivers also face an ever-increasing number of distractions that take their eyes off the road, their minds off their driving, and their hands off the wheel. Here are three of them: Cell Phones, Both Hand-Held and Hands-Free Hands-free cell phones are only marginally better than hand-held phones at preventing a truck accident. Hands-free at least allows the truck driver.

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By | June 16th, 2016

A jackknife truck accident occurs when a tractor-trailer brakes too hard on a slippery road. This can happen in one of two ways. When the trailer wheels lock up, the trailer wants to continue sliding down the road past the tractor. This causes the back of the trailer to fishtail about the trailer hitch. Meanwhile, the tractor is braking without skidding. If the truck driver fails to recover from this, the back of the trailer will continue to fishtail forward while pivoting on the hitch until it forms the classic.

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By | June 13th, 2016

Unlike head-on and rear-end collisions where there is plenty of “car” separating you from the other vehicle or object, there is only the roof structure to keep the car occupant area intact in a rollover crash. In addition, the seat and shoulder belt is less effective at injury prevention in rollovers because of the complex tumbling motion. For these reasons, rollover accidents have a high fatality rate compared to other accident types. However, rollover accidents are avoidable. Here are five suggestions on their prevention: Buy a vehicle with a low.

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By | June 13th, 2016

Unlike other modes of freight transport such as shipping, air, and rail transport, freight transport by truck exacts a heavy death toll on our population. The reason is that trucking shares the roads with the driving public. In 2011, 17% of truck accident fatalities occurred to the occupants of the trucks, while 72% occurred to the occupants of the other vehicles involved in the accidents. In spite of regulations that limit the number of consecutive hours that truckers can drive, and more money spent on trucking inspection, accident rates are still high..

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By | June 13th, 2016

The trucking industry is essential to the nation’s economy. The reason comes down to one simple fact: bulk overland transport of goods is only possible by either railroad or truck, and the multiple destinations requiring these goods aren’t reachable by railroad. We need trucking. Unfortunately, large trucks also share the roads with the driving public and subject them to great risk. Why are they so dangerous? Here are three reasons: Trucks Are Heavy Semi trucks are about 20 times heavier than cars. When the two meet in a collision, the.

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By | June 13th, 2016

A front tire blowout at highway speeds is the stuff of nightmares for most truck drivers. When the front steering tire of the tractor goes, the driver will feel the steering tug hard to the side of the blown out tire. A blown left tire means veering into oncoming traffic, while a right tire blowout means going off the road. While both of these alternatives are equally grim, there is a third: coming to a safe stop at the shoulder of the road without incident. This is doable because drivers.

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By | June 13th, 2016

One moment everything seems fine, and the next, you’ve been hit by a truck. “Out of the blue” refers to an accident in seemingly normal circumstances that completely catches you by surprise where there is no time to react. Here are two such accident scenarios: Rural Highways Rural highways often have a narrow single lane with small shoulders for each direction. Don’t let the rural setting fool you because these roads are dangerous, especially when you consider their high speed limits and the many trucks that use them. Thanks to.

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By | June 13th, 2016

There are few emergencies worse than losing your brakes. Sometimes circumstances and great presence of mind allow some drivers to safely bring their car to a stop without brakes. However, many traffic situations make this impossible even for the most skilled motorist. It’s far better to never have this emergency happen in the first place by keeping your braking system in good repair. While brakes sometimes fail without warning, usually the car owner has plenty of warning signs that he or she chose to ignore until it was too late..

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By | June 13th, 2016

Every trucker knows the importance of sleep and how not getting enough of it increases the risk of having a truck accident. However, there’s a world of difference between a night of tossing and turning and getting sound restful sleep. If you are having trouble getting your ZZZ’s on the road, follow these eight tips: Avoid eating large or spicy meals before you sleep. Indigestion is a common reason for insomnia. Small snacks are fine. Avoid exercise before bed time. Exercise elevates breathing, heart rate, and your metabolism. The body.

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By | June 13th, 2016

Because of a truck’s large size and weight, brake failure on commercial semi trucks can have disastrous consequences. While truck brakes in good condition should rarely fail, brake failure related accidents nevertheless cause injuries and fatalities every year. Why does this happen? Here are five reasons: Not using the front brakes. In an effort to save money on brake maintenance and tire wear, some owner operator drivers disconnect the brakes on the tractor. This leaves the trailer brakes with the full burden of braking the entire rig. Downshifting is also.

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