Hogan Injury

3 Tips for Dealing With Insurance Companies After a Crash

Car Insurance Policy not Covering the Damages

Being the victim of a road accident is hard enough. Having to deal with the insurance companies afterward just makes the entire experience more frustrating. Here are some simple tips for dealing with insurance companies after a crash.

Don’t Sign

It’s important to contact your own insurance agent as soon as possible. However, don’t sign on anything unless you know what exactly you are signing. Remember, the fine print isn’t there to benefit you. Not only that, but don’t give a recorded statement to the insurance agency. You’re not required to let them record you. Only contact the other driver’s insurance agency to let them know a claim has been filed; don’t go further than the basic details. Make sure you contact a lawyer first and consult with them before signing or giving a recorded statement.

Gather Data

Make sure to document any data and evidence related to your crash. Take photos of the crash scene, the damages and your injuries. Go to a doctor and get medical documentation about any external or internal injuries you are suffering as a result of the crash. Take down the name of the other driver, their license number and the name of their insurance agency, as well as the contact information of any witnesses.

Get Help

It’s extremely important to get legal help right away. Do this before getting into any negotiations with the insurance agency. The earlier you get help, the fewer problems you’ll have to deal with later on. Contact us for expert advice today.