Hogan Injury

Tips for Avoiding a Truck Accident

Tips for Avoiding a Truck Accident

Truck accidents happen for a variety of reasons such as careless drivers, mechanical issues, and improperly loaded trailers.

To reduce your chances of being involved in a commercial trucking accident, here are four safety tips you should know:

Don’t Come to a Sudden Stop

When driving in front of a semi truck, don’t come to a sudden stop. You will need to slow down gradually as such a vehicle with a full load can take the distance of over three football fields to stop. Be sure to watch out for any potential hazards ahead so you don’t have to slam on the brakes.

Stay Out of the Truck’s Blind Spots

Commercial trucks have several blind spots, also known as “no zones.” These spots mean truck drivers cannot see other vehicles in their side and rearview mirrors. Do not drive next week next to a truck for any longer than it takes you to pass, and watch for signs the truck is about to change lanes.

Report Reckless Truck Drivers

If you witness a truck driver exhibiting reckless driving, contact authorities. Examples include texting while driving, tailgating, and speeding.

Give Trucks Enough Room to Turn

Trucks make wide turns which means you need to provide them with a wide berth so they can successfully complete the maneuver. Otherwise, they may hit your vehicle.

If you sustained injuries in a truck accident, please contact us to schedule a free consultation. Our attorneys will determine if you have a valid claim and fight on your behalf for fair compensation if you do.