By | September 28th, 2017

Long-haul truck drivers average between 2,000 and 3,000 miles per week. They drive away from their homes and spend most of their time in or near their rigs. Many eat unhealthy food at fast food restaurants and at truck diners. In addition, their daily routine leaves little time for exercise or recreational activities. The end result of this lifestyle is often obesity and poor health. While this is certainly bad for the affected drivers, it also endangers the public who share the road with them. The “trucker lifestyle” can cause.

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By | July 27th, 2017

Semi trucks keep the economy moving. Without them, most store shelves would empty out within a few weeks. However, these behemoths of the road also endanger the driving public. They are huge, sometimes weighing as much as 80,000 pounds. Their height and length make them much less stable than a car. This is why truck drivers must remain focused and alert while driving. A good night’s sleep is essential for this, yet for some truck drivers, even 8 hours of sleep isn’t enough rest for safe driving. That’s because a.

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By | March 9th, 2017

Sleep is a powerful drive that can overtake anyone. When you go to bed, there is no conscious decision to fall asleep. Instead, you wait until sleep overtakes you. The body simply “switches off” the conscious mind without your “permission.” This is what makes drowsy driving so dangerous. No matter how hard you fight it, your conscious mind will turn off, and at that point, your car is moving 65 mph down the highway without a driver. If you attempt various tricks to stay awake such as loud music and.

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By | December 22nd, 2016

We rely on sunlight and the lack of it to ‘tell’ our bodies when it’s time for wakefulness and for sleep. It’s responsible for our circadian rhythm, which is essentially a 24 hour wake/sleep pattern of our biological functions. The 24 hour cycle of sunlight and darkness keeps everyone’s ‘internal’ clocks synchronized in a particular geographic location. If you fly to another part of the world, your circadian rhythm eventually adjusts to the day/night cycle of the particular locality. It turns out that the blue-green part of sunlight is responsible.

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