Hogan Injury

Stay Safe Riding in Cooler Temperatures

Stay Safe Riding in Cooler Temperatures

Riding when the outside temperature is under 60 degrees can be treacherously cold.  It’s a tempting and a popular temperature to hit the roads when colder begins to change and spring is around to corner.

Frostbite and frost nip are real concerns on exposed skin when riding at lower temperatures. The wind chill hovers at freezing or below as the air temperature drops near 50 degrees. It is important to protect oneself when riding at these temperatures.  Hypothermia is a dangerous cold weather injury that can be acquired riding in mild temperatures.

A full-face helmet with a face shield is the best protection for the face. Face masks are helpful to keep warm and can be worn under a helmet to block the wind and cold from your neck and from entering the helmet. A turtle neck and a scarf can further protect your neck.

Insulated undergarments are recommended as well as heated gloves and outer gear.  Dressing in layers provides the best protection from the elements. Layers allow air to circulate and to be warmed adding additional insulation. Wear clothing designed for cold weather motorcycling. There are many types of clothing on the market. Most of the clothing is lightweight and comfortable, even stylish.

Condensation is the enemy. Dressing too warmly can cause you to sweat which in turn make you colder. This is especially true of footwear.  Wool socks are tempting but do not breathe as well as a mix. Hot, sweaty feet are cold feet and cold feet make for a miserable ride.

Staying warm enough while riding is an important safety feature. It is not just about being comfortable. Trying to stay warm while riding is a significant distraction.  Shivering has a strong potential of causing a loss of control of the motorcycle.

Motorcycle accidents are caused by many more things than automobile operators need to prepare for. Stay safe and if you are involved in a motorcycle accident, contact our experienced firm for expert legal representation.