Hogan Injury

Four Car Accident Myths Debunked

Four Car Accident Myths Debunked

There are lots of car accident myths out there that are retold countless times. Some are the result of what seems like common sense while others are caused by news stories that get a lot of circulation. These misconceptions can cause serious injury and often prevent people from seeking medical treatment and legal help.

If You Don’t Feel Pain and Can Move about, You Aren’t Injured

This misconception is perfectly understandable because pain is how the body alerts us that something is wrong. However, the body releases adrenaline after an accident which suppresses pain. While this won’t completely suppress the severe pain of some injuries such as a broken leg, many types of soft tissue injuries are often not felt at first. It may take several hours or even a day or more after an accident because that’s how long it takes for the inflammatory response to fully develop.

If the Car Appears to Have Minor Damage, the Accident Is a Minor Affair

Even if the car itself suffered little damage, the driver and passengers could have sustained serious injuries. A loose object in the car might strike someone on the head or a poorly adjusted headrest may cause severe whiplash. Young children and the elderly are also more vulnerable to injury.

There’s No Point in Consulting an Attorney If You Feel You Might Have Caused the Accident

Whatever it is that makes you feel this way may have had nothing to do with the accident or its contribution was small. The other driver may be more at fault than you. This is why you should consult with an attorney.

You Should Always Call Your Insurance Company First after an Accident

While contacting your insurance company is mandatory, there is no requirement that you must contact them first. Calling them while you are emotionally upset may cause you to say the wrong things. The call will be recorded and your insurance company may use this to reduce your payout when you make your claim. Consult with your attorney first.

If you or a family member were involved in a car accident, contact us. Let us put our experience to work to get you the compensation that you deserve.