Hogan Injury

The Ways That Tailgating Can Cause a Motor Vehicle Crash

Ways Tailgating Cause a Motor Vehicle Crash

Whether it’s done out of impatience, haste, or habit, tailgating is an extremely dangerous practice. Some think it isn’t a big deal because so many people do it. However, that doesn’t change the fact that it can cause a crash where the fault will almost certainly be the tailgater’s since rear-end accidents are almost always the fault of the car behind.

Such an accident can happen in less than a second because the following distance of tailgaters often leaves less than a second of reaction time. In a situation requiring a hard stop, one may not have enough time to even get his foot on the brake pedal, let alone enough time to stop the car. A life changing or life ending accident can happen in a split second.

In addition to putting one’s life and the life of the motorist in front at risk, other dangers include:

If you were injured by a tailgater in a car accident, the lawyers at Hogan Injury will fight to get you the compensation you deserve. Don’t hesitate to contact us for a free consultation.