Hogan Injury

Sobering Halloween Car Crash Statistics Every Parent Should Know

Halloween Car Crash Statistics

U.S. News writers estimate that about 41 million youngsters will be on the streets on October 31 for trick-or-treating. Dressed up in costumes, they walk from house to house, cross streets, and seek to collect as much free candy as possible. But Halloween is also a night synonymous with a doubled car crash fatality risk for children.

Understanding the Risk Factors

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) explains that a combination of risk factors creates the perfect storm.

Protecting Our Youngest Pedestrians on Halloween

While you cannot control the behavior of drivers on October 31, you can work with the children in your care to better their odds of traffic safety. For starters, apply reflective stripes to shoes, the backs and sides of costumes, and also to gloves. Since masks sometimes limit a child’s field of vision, discourage mask wear while crossing streets. Whenever possible, accompany youngsters and ensure that they cross at marked crosswalks or exercise caution when there is none.

Do you have more questions about car accidents happening on Halloween? Contact us today.