Hogan Injury

Orthopedic Injuries and Vehicular Accidents

Orthopedic Injuries and Vehicular Accidents

Being in a vehicular accident is emotional and traumatic. Unfortunately, the experience will most likely leave you with a bodily injury. According to statistics put out by the California Department of Motor Vehicles there are approximately over 250,000 injuries due to vehicular accidents in the state each year. These injuries occur while being in the actual vehicle or being an innocent bystander. Some of the most common of these injuries are orthopedic involving bones, joints, muscles, and soft tissues throughout the entire body.

Whether you find yourself with a sprained ankle from having to jump away from a speeding vehicle, or if your shoulder snapped out of its socket while bracing yourself for impact from within the vehicle, orthopedic injuries are extremely painful and debilitating. People who suffer from these injuries often find themselves temporarily incapacitated from being able to go to work or even fully care for themselves at home. Being aware you have suffered an orthopedic injury is paramount to avoiding further injury and aggravating the situation.

The following are three of the most common types of orthopedic injuries suffered during a vehicular collisions and their most common symptoms according to the Mayo Clinic; be aware that many of these symptoms may not appear immediately after the collision.

1. Neck injuries

Whiplash is the neck injury most commonly the result in a vehicular accident, caused by the straining of ligaments in the neck. Though this injury is likely to get better on its own, the rapid and intense jerking head motion lading to whiplash can also cause other related injury such as a concussion or a slipped/dislocated spinal disk. Most common symptoms include stiffness and pain in the upper back, shoulders, and neck, as well as loss of mobility and head aches.

2. Spinal Injuries

Injuries to the spine can range from simple bruising to more serious breaking or dislocation of spinal disks; the former often resulting in the loss of feeling or mobility. Symptoms include tingling and numbness in fingers and toes, paralysis to the arms or legs, difficulty holding your bladder, and sharp pain in your back, neck, and head.

3. Back Injuries

Back injuries are frequently sprains or strains suffered to the muscles and ligaments but can also include fractured vertebrae. Symptoms include intense pain or stiffness in your back that can spread down to your legs, tingling or numbness in one or both legs that gets worse when you lay down, and issues with your bladder or bowels.

Vehicular accidents are likely to be distressing, shocking and downright terrifying on an emotional and psychological level. Being injured physically only adds to the stress of being able to heal and get past the harrowing experience.

If you or a loved one have sustained an injury due to a vehicular collision, please seek immediate medical assistance. If you have questions or need legal assistance, please contact us for a free consultation. Hogan Injury has specialist injury law attorneys who can help you recover the compensation you deserve.