Hogan Injury

Hiring an Injury Lawyer for Motorcycle Accidents

hiring injury lawyer motorcycle accidents

Being injured in a motorcycle accident is often a tragic event that can have life-long adverse consequences. As such, hiring an injury lawyer for representation in such a case is often a necessary decision. By learning how to compare injury lawyers in your area, making an informed choice will be achievable.

Contingency Basis Versus Up-Front Payment

For those who don’t have the up-front capital to pay an attorney, a contingency agreement is often the only option available for obtaining representation. On the other hand, if you do have capital available, it may be financially advantageous to avoid a contingency agreement. A contingency agreement often allocates up to 33% of the settlement amount to pay for the attorney’s services. A large settlement may warrant the cost of the initial investment on your part to avoid the cost of a contingency agreement. Be aware that a contingency only applies if you win the settlement. According to Attorneys, “Personal injury lawyers may charge you either an hourly rate, or they might take your case on a contingency basis. Taking your case on a contingency basis means that the lawyer will only get paid if you get a monetary award. His or her fee will be calculated as a percentage of your award. If he or she bills hourly, you will pay for the time spent on your case regardless of its outcome.”

If you are currently comparing representation for motorcycle accidents, then take the time to contact us at Hogan Injury for a free consultation.