Hogan Injury

Daycare Injuries: What You Need to Know

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It is not easy entrusting your child under the supervision of a daycare, and needless to say, doing so entails a lot of expectations in terms of your child’s safety and health while under their care.  This is why it is every parent’s nightmare to discover that their child had been injured at a daycare center.

Daycare facilities are expected to exercise due care in order to prevent a likely injury. In the unfortunate event that your child was injured at a daycare center and you are determining whether the daycare center exercised due care or not, there are two main factors to consider:

You discover that your child is injured. What do you do?

What if you signed a liability waiver?

A liability waiver does not rid the daycare center of accountability. An indemnity clause, or the part of the waiver that releases you from taking legal action against them in the event that your child gets injured under their care, does not bar you from filing a lawsuit to gain compensation. Most daycare centers are aware that their liability waivers hold no validity in court.

Contact us at Hogan Injury for expert legal advice.

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