Hogan Injury

Common Causes of Pedestrian Wrongful Death

Common Causes of Pedestrian Wrongful Death

When a two ton motor vehicle hits a pedestrian in an accident, the pedestrian always loses. Pedestrian deaths are on the rise because of increased motor vehicle traffic and increased distraction in the form of technological gadgets such as mobile devices and GPS. Of course, technology isn’t the only type of driver distraction, but it has added to the numerous ways that distracted driving can occur.

Although pedestrians aren’t always faultless, too many pedestrian wrongful deaths occur because of driver negligence or recklessness. This problem isn’t a motorist vs pedestrian issue because everyone, motorists included, are pedestrians. When motorists step out of their cars to cross a street or walk through a parking lot to get to a building, they too, become vulnerable pedestrians. What causes pedestrian fatalities? As mentioned previously, an epidemic of driving distraction is one reason. Others include:

Aggressive Driving

The intense traffic in large urban areas breeds aggressive drivers. Many drive this way because they feel it’s a necessity for getting around. Their focus is on outmaneuvering other cars and rapidly exploiting traffic openings when they occur. Unfortunately, this kind of narrow focus produces an effect called selective attention, in which the driver only sees what he is looking for. Other “things” such as pedestrians become invisible.

Poorly Designed or Maintained Crosswalks

Crosswalks can lure pedestrians into dangerous situations because their signs are missing or are obscured by foliage. Some crosswalks are located on dips in a highway where oncoming traffic can only see the top half of pedestrians. Poor location also includes proximity to a blind curve in a highway. Highways with high-speed limits, make these problem crosswalks more lethal.

Left Turns at Intersections

Cars making left turns at intersections are busy negotiating oncoming traffic and won’t see pedestrians in a crosswalk. Upon exploiting a traffic opening, they suddenly come upon the pedestrian who may have her back turned to the left turning car. Unless the pedestrian is looking over her shoulder, she may never see the turning car.

Motorists owe a duty of care not to injure pedestrians. Failure to do this forms the basis of a wrongful death case. If you lost a loved one in a pedestrian accident, our compassionate lawyers will explain your legal options and help you through the legal process. Contact us at Hogan Injury.