Hogan Injury

Car Accident: What You Need to Know about Avoiding a Rear-end Collision

Why Rear-End Collisions Happen

Rear-end collisions are one of the most common types of car accidents, and they often leave victims with injuries such as whiplash, back strain, or a concussion.

Here are ways you can avoid such a crash:

Maintain a Safe Following Distance

This applies whether you’re driving on a rural road, busy city street, or on a freeway. A safe following distance will allow you to safely brake if the car in front of you suddenly slows or comes to a complete stop.

Stopping Distance

When you stop, always leave two or three vehicle lengths between you and the vehicle ahead. If you stop too close, you have no way to escape if a dangerous situation arises such as you see in your mirror that a car coming behind you isn’t going to stop in time.

Know Your Surroundings

It’s important to remain alert when it comes to knowing what’s on the side of you as well as what’s behind. This allows you to have options if you happen upon a situation such as road debris or an accident instead of slamming on the brakes, likely catching the driver behind you off guard.

Let Other Drivers Know your Intentions

This is necessary when it comes to staying safe on the roadways. You can let other drivers know your intentions by gradually slowing when approaching a red light or stop sign, and signaling in plenty of time before you change lanes or a corner.

Sometimes no matter how careful you are, an accident still occurs. If you were the victim of a rear-end collision, you may be entitled to compensation from the other driver’s insurance company. Please contact us to discuss your case.