Hogan Injury

Avoiding Motorcycle Accidents With These Fall Riding Tips

avoid motorcycle accidents fall riding tips

As summer comes to an end and school begins, many people are excited about fall and the drop in the temperature. Many motorcycle fans are still enjoying their time riding, trying to get as much time on their bikes before winter.

Here are some fall riding tips to make sure that you enjoy every moment riding while avoiding any motorcycle accidents!

Fall is a beautiful time for riding. It is not as hot as the summer so you can enjoy long rides without sweating. However, you will need to pack extra clothes (and rain gear) just in case the weather changes. You also need to worry about wet leaves and oil on the road. You will also have to keep a lookout for all of the deer and wildlife who are out roaming. Sometimes winter comes early so you should try to have a warm place to store your bike if you stay overnight.

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