Hogan Injury

Avoid a Construction Zone Car Crash: Five Safety Tips

avoid construction zone car crash 5 tips

People often drive along familiar routes every day and know precisely the time required for reaching their destinations. This causes many to wait until the last minute and even later before starting their drive. That’s why the sight of a road construction zone causes many to get hot under the collar. Work zones can cause courteous drivers to get impatient and aggressive drivers to manifest road rage when construction work prevents a speedy commute.

When you add this psychology to the objective dangers of lane mergers, concrete barriers, and narrow shoulderless lanes with construction equipment and workers milling about, you have the perfect recipe for a car crash. Although these accidents often occur between motor vehicles, construction workers are also victims.

As dangerous as construction zones are, they are necessary for keeping our highway system in good repair. Minimize the hazards of these areas by following these five safety tips:

Finally, check with online notices of road construction before leaving on your trip. This enables you to allow extra time or to plan an alternate route.

If you were involved in an accident and require legal advice from experienced lawyers, contact us today.