Hogan Injury

Why Are Motorcyclists So At Risk For Accidents?

motorcyclists are at risk for accidents

Motorcyclists may share the road with cars, trucks, and other large vehicles on a daily basis, but a lot of people don’t know how to operate their cars safely when they’re around. For drivers of two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles alike, it’s wise to be aware of the risks that motorcyclists face to be better informed of safe driving practices – and hopefully prevent future accidents.

Decreased Visibility

Perhaps the biggest reason for the number of motorcycle accidents on the road today is due to the fact that they’re harder to see than a typical vehicle. Many accidents are caused because a driver violated a motorcyclist’s right of way. Most of the time, it’s not intentional. They simply didn’t see the motorcycle because they didn’t think to look for it. Learning to stay alert for any type of vehicle on the road can prevent a large number of accidents and traffic fatalities.

Less Protection

It goes without saying that a motorcyclist involved in an accident will be in far bigger trouble than the driver of a car. Motorcycles don’t have many features designed to protect their riders from injury. That kind of exposure means motorcyclists are five times more likely to be injured and 26 times more likely to be killed in an accident than those in passenger cars.

Danger Zones

Because motorcycles are easier to miss than other vehicles, an accident is most likely to occur at an intersection. Other drivers should learn to watch for them when entering an intersection or making a turn. Left turns can be especially dangerous for motorcycles, particularly if other vehicles are in the area and effectively hide them from view.

If you or a loved one are a motorcyclist and have been injured in an accident, contact our attorneys at Hogan Injury for an evaluation of your case.