Hogan Injury

Who Can Bring a Wrongful Death Suit?

Who Can Bring a Wrongful Death Suit?

When a person or entity causes the death of another person, either intentionally or by neglect, certain family members of the deceased can bring a wrongful death suit against the responsible party under California law. Wrongful death suits provide a way to compensate family members for their loss. However, not all family members can bring such a suit. Only certain family members have this legal right.

Under California Code of Civil Procedure Section 377.60(a), the following people can bring a wrongful death claim:

Under Section 377.60(b), parents, putative spouses, and step-children may also bring a wrongful death claim if they were dependent on the deceased person financially. A person that does not fall into one of these classes cannot bring a wrongful death suit.

A wrongful death suit can provide a surviving family member with compensation for lost income, loss of companionship, loss of service, as well as medical and funeral costs. If you would like more information about this issue, or if you have lost a loved one and would like to discuss your options in bringing a wrongful death claim against those responsible, please contact us for more information.