Hogan Injury

What Are Motorcycle Accidents and What To Do About Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle riding can be an exhilarating and exciting experience. However, accidents happen. When you are in a motorcycle accident, you need a lawyer who understands vehicle accident law.

Motorcycle Accident Types

Motorcycle accidents can involve several situations where the rider can lose control, or another driver can be at fault. Accidents such as lane splitting, stationary objects, and driving under the influence are common accidents for motorcycle drivers.

Lane Splitting

Lane splitting is an accident situation where motorcycle riders drive between two lanes of motionless or slow-moving cars in situations such as traffic jams. The situation of lane splitting driving can be dangerous because vehicles can suddenly shift lanes causing an accident. Other drivers may not see motorcycle riders with their vehicles between lanes until it is too late.

Stationary Objects

Stationary object accidents occur when motorcyclists drive into unmoving objects such as road barriers, construction equipment, and signs. Light or telephone poles, guard rails, and walls are hazards. Road debris, illegal garbage dumping, vehicle accidents, and natural events such as wind or rainstorms create dangers. Potholes are stationary hazards that are not easy to see. A common hazard is owners or passengers who open their car or other vehicle doors unexpectedly, hitting passing motorcycle drivers with the doors.

Drivers Under the Influence

Drivers who drink or use other substances such as drugs before driving pose hazards to motorcycle drivers. Ride your motorcycle only when you are sober.

How to Prevent Accidents

Motorcyclists should be careful about personal safety while riding. Always be aware of your surroundings when you ride. Avoid riding in slippery or nasty weather such as snow, wind, and rain. Wear protective riding clothing, especially a helmet that fits. A helmet cannot prevent all head injuries but can lessen the risk.

Injuries During Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accident injuries are serious with head injuries as the leading cause of death for motorcyclists. Other injuries associated with motorcycle accidents are broken bones, lacerations, and damage to body organs.

What to Do After an Accident

Evidence is essential after an accident. Get medical, police, and eyewitness accounts. Give and get the names, addresses, and registrations or license numbers of those involved in the accident. Obtain police reports as evidence such as videos, documents, and photos of the accident. For compensation evidence, keep records of lost wages and other benefits. Gather receipts for expenses such as medical procedures, medications, and doctor’s visits. Defendants are not only liable to the living. After motorcycle fatalities, a defendant could be liable for funeral and survivor compensation. Contact us at Hogan Injury law firm for our specialization in motorcycle accident compensation.