Hogan Injury

The Top Signs That You Should Consult an Attorney After Being Involved in a Car Accident

After being involved in a car accident, you will likely be left with a lot of questions and concerns. Being involved in a car accident can be stressful, and you may be uncertain how to proceed if you believe the other driver was at fault. You may be left wondering what your rights are, and whether you should consider contacting an attorney. While not every car accident case will require legal assistance, here are a few signs indicating that you should contact an attorney after being involved in a car accident. 

You Were Injured in The Accident 

If you are lucky, you may walk away from a car accident with minor scrapes and bruises. However, in many cases, car accidents can lead to serious, and even long-lasting, injuries. If you were seriously injured in a car accident, it is critical that you consult an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible. A serious car accident can not only leave you with mounting medical bills, but it could leave you unable to work for a period of time, putting your financial future in jeopardy. It is then important that you talk to an attorney, as they will work tirelessly to try to ensure that you are properly compensated for your injuries. 

Fault is Being Disputed

Even if it seems obvious to you that the other driver was at fault for the accident and should be responsible for any resulting damages or injuries, this does not mean that they are going to admit it. In fact, it is very likely that the other driver’s insurance company will try to pin full, or at least partial, blame on you in order to reduce their liability. This will leave you with the burden of proving fault. Hiring an attorney can be invaluable in this situation, as a seasoned car accident attorney will have a great deal of experience proving fault in these cases. They will be able to gather evidence and help you to determine fault, and they can help you to negotiate compensation if necessary.  

You Are Being Asked to Settle

Of course, perhaps the most important time to consult an attorney is if the other driver’s insurance company has offered you a settlement. The fact is that the insurance companies are not looking out for your best interests, as they will likely be trying to close your case as quickly and cheaply as possible. They may then try to get you to accept a low-ball offer assuming that you do not know what your case is worth. Fortunately, an experienced attorney will be able to assess what your case should be worth, and they can negotiate on your behalf to ensure that you are fairly compensated. 

If you have recently been involved in a car accident, feel free to contact us to learn whether you may benefit from working with an experienced attorney during this difficult time.