Hogan Injury

The Right Turn Car Accident: Deadly to Pedestrians and Cyclists

right turn car accident pedestrians cyclists

One of the consequences of the right turn on the red law is an increase of car/pedestrian and car/bicycle collisions. Motorists should know that they must stop first and only proceed with their right turn when the way is clear of pedestrians, bicyclists, and motor vehicles.

However, they often fail to look to the right before making their turn because they aren’t expecting traffic coming from that direction. Their attention is usually focused exclusively on traffic with which they are trying to merge, which is coming from the left. This problem also exists at stop signs as well as intersections without lights or signs. Motorists that habitually do this will eventually get into one of the following types of car accidents:

Striking a Pedestrian

This happens when a pedestrian walks in front of the car (from its right) before the car pulls into the intersection. Because the motorist’s attention is focused on the traffic coming from the left, he fails to see the pedestrian and accelerates into him or her. Sometimes the pedestrian is crossing the road which the car is pulling into. Again the motorist’s leftward focus causes him to strike the pedestrian. These collisions often inflict serious injury and are sometimes fatal.

Striking a Bicyclist

The motorist turning right at an intersection without looking right can strike a bicyclist going straight through the intersection from the same direction as the motorist. Another possibility is striking a bicyclist going in the left lane of the road the motorist is pulling into. As with striking pedestrians, the consequences of striking a bicyclist are serious injury or worse.

Rear-Ending the Car in Front of Them

This occurs when two cars, one behind the other, are making the same right turn at an intersection. The first car starts to pull out but changes his mind and stops. Meanwhile, the second car has also started the right turn, commits and accelerates into the rear end of the first car. This accident usually amounts to little more than a fender bender.

Striking a Car Passing Another Car

The motorist that doesn’t look right can make a right turn into an oncoming car or motorcycle traveling in the left lane while passing a car. Because the car or motorcycle is passing at a high speed, the collision has serious consequences.

If you were injured by a motorist who failed to yield at an intersection, you have the right to demand fair compensation for your injuries and expenses. Contact us today for a free consultation on your case.