Hogan Injury

Planning Your Legal Strategy After a Truck Accident

If you’re caught in a truck accident, you have get medical assistance, first and foremost. Once you’ve been treated by the doctors for any injuries that you might have, you can start thinking about hiring a lawyer and getting recompensed for the medical expense, the time lost when you could have been working and the damage to your truck as well as the items you were carrying in your truck.

Were You Carrying Irrecoverable Goods?

Since trucks are generally used to transport goods, you may end up losing a lot of money if the goods you were transporting are irrecoverable. If the goods didn’t belong to you, then the company you are working for will have to suffer the loss. Either way, it really can’t hurt for you to consult a lawyer who will be able to at least give you some legal advice.

Planning Your Legal Strategy with Your Lawyer

It’s best to be entirely truthful with your lawyer so that they don’t have any surprises along the way. It’s not a good idea to leave out part of the truth in the beginning because the lawyer will base their strategy on what you tell them. They need to know whether they have to go on the offense or the defense when it comes to your case, and they need to be sure about the extent to which you might have been responsible for the accident.

Did You Have Extenuating Circumstances?

There may be times when you feel that the accident was your fault. Maybe you took some medication which the doctor had prescribed to you, and it got in the way of your driving. But keep in mind that this doesn’t put you at risk for a DUI or DWI. If you were unaware of the side effects of the medication, then your lawyer has a good case in terms of defending you.

Sharing the Facts of the Case and Your History

So if there are any issues such as this in your case, be sure to tell your lawyer all about them. And remember to share your history with them i.e. whether you have been in any accidents in the past. Based on the full story, your lawyer will be able to tell you how much money you can expect in terms of compensation.

Contact us to learn more about working with your lawyer after a truck accident.