Hogan Injury

Many Paths to License Suspension

Having a driver’s license is considered a privilege and not a right. Along with the privilege are a few responsibilities. Failure to maintain some of these responsibilities can cost the holder their license.

There are many reasons why someone could lose their right to drive. Some reasons are temporary and some are permanent.

Failure to Pay Bills

There are consequences of not paying certain bills. Non-payment of certain obligations can cause your driver’s license to be suspended.

These include:

Not keeping vehicle insurance up to date can lead to suspended registration. Driving with either no insurance or an invalid registration can and will lead to a license suspension if in an accident. Non-payment of child support is reported to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) if over 30 days late. The person owing the child support has 150 days to clear up the late payment or face the suspension of their license.

Driving Offenses

Receiving too many tickets or at-fault accidents, driving under the influence, refusing chemical testing, can lead to a suspended or revoked license.

Medical Issues

A driver’s license can be suspended if a driver has a medical condition that prevents the driver from consistently operating a motor vehicle safely. Conditions that could cause a loss of consciousness or can cause significant poor judgment are included. Those conditions which are under control such as with medication, and without a recent event, are not included.

As you can see, there are multiple events that can be further complicated by a loss of license. Losing that license can lead to even more problems. The sooner someone starts facing these difficulties seeks legal representation, the sooner they can get their lives back on track. Give our experienced team a call. We are here to help.