Hogan Injury

Four People to Contact After Motorcycle Accidents

Three More Tips To Avoid Motorcycle Accidents

The worst has happened, and you are in a motorcycle accident. Whether you are the cyclist or the other party, there are vital steps needed to take place to ensure the safety of all involved.

Call 911

If you and the other injured party cannot call 911, have the nearest person do it, and stay on the phone with them until the police and medics arrive. Even if you feel like all you have is a scratch, there can be internal injury that you are not aware of. You could possibly have hairline fractures or internal bleeding after motorcycle accidents. It’s better to wait and find out.

Insurance Agent

After you have gotten yourself and your vehicle checked out, you need to call your insurance agent to file a claim. Be sure to take pictures of your motorcycle; your agent will need to include them into his report.

Call a Lawyer

It is always best to be safe than to be sorry. After your accident, get a hold of a lawyer who specializes in motorcycle accidents. There may be a chance you will not need a lawyer’s services, but in the event that you could get sued, it is better to be prepared.


Finally, if you have not already done so, call your loved ones to let them know you are safe. They will probably need to come pick you up from the scene of the incident.

Contact us to discuss the next steps to take with your injury when you are unsure what your legal rights are. Recovering from an accident will take some time, bit it’s worth taking the right steps immediately to protect your claim.