Hogan Injury

Flashbacks After a Crash: Do They Serve a Purpose?


If you’ve been in a crash, you might be suffering from flashbacks. This is when your brain keeps replaying the same moment again and again. Flashbacks occur unexpectedly. You might be in the middle of a task. Suddenly, your attention wanders and you find yourself replaying that moment in your head.

How Flashbacks Work

In your flashback, you might just be remembering how the crash happened. Or you might be thinking about the various ways in which you might have dealt with it differently. Maybe if you’d done this, that or the other, things would have turned out differently.

Even if the crash wasn’t your fault, you might still be imagining what might have happened if you had started from work a little earlier. Or what might have happened if you’d decided to take a different route.

The Purpose of Flashbacks                          

The human brain is wired in such a way that it keeps considering various possibilities, various ways of taking action in a certain situation. It doesn’t stop to consider that the situation is already past. In a way, it’s trying to prepare you for the future so that you don’t get into the same type of situation again.

You Can’t Prepare for a Crash

Your brain might be trying to prepare you for the future. But there are certain situations that you simply can’t prepare for and a crash is one of them. Yes, you can drive safely. You can avoid driving when under the influence of alcohol. You can avoid driving and talking on your phone at the same time. You can take a number of precautions.

But the other person involved in the crash also has to take those precautions. So it’s not entirely up to you. And those flashbacks that you’re having aren’t serving much of a purpose. They’re just symptomatic of anxiety.

Dealing with Anxiety

So if you find yourself replaying your crash over and over in your mind, you might want to think about figuring out some way to deal with your anxiety. Yoga, meditation and therapy are three of the options open to you. Try out the one that you’re most comfortable with. But if it doesn’t seem to be having an effect, then try another option until you find something that works for you. Because the anxiety caused by a crash can be very debilitating and can even prevent you from driving again.

Contact us for more information about dealing withCa the aftereffects of a car crash.