Hogan Injury

Experts Pinpoint 3 Possible Causes of Large Truck Accident Cases

Possible Causes of Large Truck Accident Cases

When you read the truck accident statistics provided by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), it quickly becomes clear that motorists driving passenger cars are at a distinct disadvantage. Noting 2014 statistics, of the 3,660 fatalities resulting from large truck crashes, 16 percent were among the occupants of these larger vehicles. The rest consisted of other vehicle occupants, pedestrians, and cyclists or bikers. Since 2009, the number of truck accident fatalities increased.

Experts have identified three possible causes.

Interestingly, statistics also identify the most dangerous times and days. Deadly large truck crashes occurred most frequently on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Saturdays are the safest. The most dangerous time is between noon and 3 p.m. The safest time is between midnight and 3 a.m.

If you or a loved one were injured in a truck accident, find out how to protect your rights. Contact us today to discuss your case.