Hogan Injury

Everyone Does Not Pull Over for Police

Most drivers have experienced seeing a police cruiser with their lights on coming up behind them. It’s a requirement to pull over when this occurs, and most drivers are compliant with this rule. It is a relief when the cruiser goes by them and either continues on their way or pulls over a different driver.

On occasion, a driver will ignore the expectation of the police and not pull over. Sometimes the driver is not paying attention, and they do not hear the siren or see the lights. Some drivers will take off from the police to get away from them.

Fear of the Police

The sound of a siren approaching is frightening to some drivers. Blue or red lights flashing behind them can add to the fear.

People run from the police for a variety of reasons. It does not usually mean that they are dangerous criminals. They are often people who panic and just don’t know what to do. Many people have years of driving experience but have never been pulled over by police.

Some drivers have had previous run-ins with police. Some of these experiences might not have gone so well. Other drivers are afraid of what could happen. They may have heard stories of a simple traffic stop turning into a fatal encounter with police.

Medical Emergencies

Someone driving to a medical emergency, including EMT’s, firefighters, or family members going to help another in distress, might ignore the directions of police thinking they are justified. A driver could be having a medical event and driving themselves to the hospital.

Running from Police to Avoid Arrest

Some people running from the police are involved in criminal activity. The driver could be avoiding arrest for an unrelated reason. They may have a warrant. They could have drugs in the car, or they are under the influence. Their license could be suspended or revoked.

Weapons in car also motivates drivers to run. This situation can be dangerous for everyone involved.

Actions by Police When a Driver Fails to Stop

Police must decide what to do when a car takes off on them.         

Some of these events can create a situation much worse than a ticket.

Contact our experienced firm if you have a run-in with police involving a police chase. We can help.