Hogan Injury

Did Your Car Accident Cause a Neck or Back Injury?

Car Accident Cause a Neck or Back Injury

Neck pain and back pain are among the most common types of chronic pain in America. If you’re suffering from pain, post-car accident, you are certainly not alone.

Among the many disorders that can cause significant back and neck pain, post-accident, is a condition called whiplash. Whiplash is a very common condition caused by a sudden impact. Like many injuries, the pain of whiplash is not usually apparent at first.

Whiplash usually doesn’t cause immediate pain. In fact, more often than not, a person with whiplash may not experience any pain the day of the car accident, only to experience a painful stiff neck and back that occurs several days later. In addition to pain, some people experience cognitive problems. People with whiplash often describe having trouble thinking, feeling depressed or “feeling out of it”.

Other conditions can occur alongside whiplash and exacerbate your condition. It’s important if you experience pain after an accident, you get proper medical attention and a clear diagnosis. Untreated injuries can lead to chronic conditions, including arthritis, and can often be debilitating.

Once you’ve determined that your condition was caused by a car accident, you can retain the services of a competent attorney. An attorney will work with you to help recoup medical expenses, lost work days, and other needs that need to be addressed in lieu of your injury. While you focus on your recovery, the attorney will concentrate on holding the insurance companies responsible for holding up the end of the bargain. Need advice or guidance in recouping your losses in an accident that wasn’t your fault? Please, feel free to contact us with more information about your situation today.