Hogan Injury

Common Causes of Nighttime Car Accidents

common causes of nighttime car accidents

Did you know that many traffic fatalities happen when most people are sleeping?

More than forty thousand Americans lose their lives each year in car accidents, and half of these fatalities occur once the sun sets.

There is sixty percent less traffic on the roadways at night, so why are the accident rates so high?


Drowsy drivers can suffer lapses in attention, which often results in accidents that cause injuries or death. Most of these accidents happen within twenty-five miles of the driver’s home.

Cell Phone Use

Even though most states ban cell phone use behind the wheel, many motorists still choose to talk or text while driving. In addition to the usual dangers that come with using a phone while driving, it’s heightened during nighttime hours due to the contrast of the bright phone screen compared to the darkness outside. Switching from looking at the screen to the dark road requires a longer adjustment period for your eyes


Mothers Against Drunk Driving states that intoxicated drivers are four times more likely to cause a fatal crash at night than during the day. Even if you only have one or two drinks, it’s best not to drive.

Distracted Driving

It’s easy to become distracted when behind the wheel. Likely distractions include eating, talking with passengers, or changing the radio station.

If you have sustained injuries in a nighttime accident due to another driver’s negligence, please contact us. We’ll look into your claim, and if you’re eligible for compensation, we will work hard to get you a fair settlement.