Hogan Injury

Brain Injuries Caused by Motorcycle Accidents

Recovering from a Motorcycle Accident

Riding a motorcycle is a fun way to cruise around town.

But at times, such a ride ends in a tragic accident.

Many injuries can occur when a motorcycle and car collide including those to the brain. If you’re a rider, here are some things you need to know:

Types of Brain Injuries

There are several types of brain injuries that can result when riders hit their head on the ground, another object, or are hit with enough force that their brain is shaken inside their skull. They include:

Brain Hemorrhage – Also known as cerebral hemorrhages, a brain hemorrhage is a form of stroke caused when blood vessels burst resulting in localized bleeding to the brain. The blood kills the brain cells surrounding the area, making the patient critically ill.

Concussion – A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that affects the brain’s function. While some concussions cause patients to lose consciousness, most do not. It is possible to have a concussion and not know it, which is why it’s important to seek medical attention after an accident.

Subdural Hematoma – Subdural Hematomas happen when blood collects on the brain’s surface beneath the skull. They usually result from a head injury and can threaten the patient’s life.


Common symptoms of brain injuries include:

If you sustained injuries in a motorcycle accident due to another driver’s negligence, please contact us. Should you have a valid claim, we will work hard on your behalf to get you the settlement you deserve.