Hogan Injury

A Car Accident Attorney Discusses Head-on Collisions

Reduce Risk of Crash With Headlight Safety Tips

Head-on collisions are the most serious type of car accident.

They take place when the front ends of two vehicles collide, and the force of such a collision is greater when a passenger vehicle is hit by a truck or tractor-trailer. Even those that take place at slower speeds can be catastrophic, and according to the National Cooperative Research Program, head-on crashes are more common in rural areas. This is because driving on undivided two-lane roads is more dangerous.

Common Causes

Common causes of head-on collisions include:


Head-on collisions cause more catastrophic injuries than any other kind of car accident. The speed of the crash and the occupants’ positions play a key role in determining the severity of injuries. They may include:

Determining Fault

In some cases, it’s easy for law enforcement officers to determine which driver caused the crash. But for others, they must look closely at the evidence such as tire tracks.

Personal Injury Claims

Victims of a head-on collision may be eligible to receive compensation for: medical expenses, pain and suffering, emotional trauma, and lost wages.

If you’ve been injured in an accident due to someone else’s negligence, please contact us to discuss your case.