Hogan Injury

3 Driving Distractions That Have Been Forgotten

As cars evolve and technology seems to get smarter and smarter we are faced with more distractions on the road. The more distractions that there are on the road the more accidents occur. With all these new distractions while we are driving we have slowly started to forget to keep our eyes on the road and recognize the distractions that are not directly created from newer technology. When you first started driving you probably had a steering wheel, the radio and maybe a couple of friends in the backseat. Let’s take a look at a few of those “older” distractions that still exist today.


Have you ever been driving down a long road and then missed your exit because you were singing along to the top 40s? Music while driving is just as distracting today as it was many years ago. It’s not so much the changing of the music or looking for the next song as much as it is daydreaming while listening along to your favorite song. This does not mean to stop listening to music or stop listening to your favorite podcast. All it means is to be a little more self-aware when driving and make sure that your music isn’t distracting you from being safe on the road.


You might’ve had the cool mom who let you pick up your friends on the way to school or you might’ve had a more protective mom who said no friends in the car until you’re 18. Either way you probably still had friends in your car. Often times we are just driving by ourselves, but there comes a time when we may need to pick up someone up and take them to the airport or carpool or even go to the movies with our significant other. In these instances, we are more likely to be distracted by those who are in our car than when we are alone. Just like with the radio we are not going stop driving others around but it’s important to keep our passengers safe by limiting distracted conversations or movements in the vehicle.


Some of us struggle with road rage while others are victims to it. You may have been driving on your way to work and even though you were simply going the speed limit an angry driver buzzes right by you. In this instance a person’s road rage has affected you negatively and has caused a distraction on the road. On the other side you may be that person who was upset with the slower car in front of you and you happen to race right by the slower car. Whichever side you are on can cause a distraction on the road. It is important while driving to keep a cool temperament to provide a safe driving environment for yourself and other drivers.


These are only a few of the many distractions that we face on a day-to-day basis while driving. The best practice is to keep a cool temperament, keep any controllable distractions at bay, and remember to keep driving as a priority when you are on the road. For more information if you or someone you know has been involved in an accident please visit our website.